Is It Ok for a Person Who Had a Seizure in Thier Sleep to Go Back to Sleep?

Pre-Intermediate (Lesson 4)

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Look at these photos and say which boy is David's son. Use vocabulary from the previous lesson.


 Vocabulary Practice.

A) What do you usually do when you forget English words? What is the best thing to do in this situation? Choose one of the following variants to answer this question.

      • Panic and stop talking
      • Try to mime the word you don't know
      • Explain what you want to say with the help of other words (the ones you know)

B) Imagine that you can't remember the following words. How would you explain them? Give these variants to your partner.

a banka boring   personthe brain    a stara frienda secret

Now match the words with their definitions.

1.  is a person who works all her/his life to become famous and then wears sunglasses so people don't recognize him\her.
2.  is something which you only tell your close friend.
3.  is somebody who dislikes the same people as you.
4.  is a place where you can borrow money only if you can prove that you don't need it.
5.  is somebody who talks about himself\herself when you want to talk about yourself.
6.  is something which starts working when you get up in the morning and stops doing this as soon as you get to your office.

Grammar Study.

Pay attention to these rules.

Grammar Practice.

Fill the gaps with the following variants:

who which where

1.They're people  make you laugh.
2. It's a machine  cuts the grass.
3. It's an animal  lives in the sea and has eight legs.
4. It's a room  people try on clothes.
5. He's the person  helps you with your luggage.
6. It's a kind of food  keeps vampires away.

Don't forget to say what words are meant in the definitions.


A) Give some information about these points:

1. a person who is very important to you
2. a famous person who you like a lot
3. something which you couldn't live without
4. a thing which you often loŠ¾se
5. a place where you'd like to go for a special evening
6. a place where you were very happy when you were a child

B) Complete the definitions for these words:

1. a tourist — i t's somebody….
2. a sports center — it's a place….
3. a key — i t's a thing….
4. a book — it's something….
5. tired — i t's how you feel….
6. smile— i t's something you do….

Listening. TV game show 'What's the word?'

A) Study some useful words before listening.

Useful words:


B) Listen to the introduction to a TV game show, 'What's the word?' What are the rules of this game?

C) Now listen to the show. Write down the six answers.


D) Check if your answers are correct.

Grammar Revision.

A) Make one sentence from two.

Example: It's the dog called Toy. I meet it every day. – It's the dog which I meet every day.

1) This is a house. The Smiths live here. —
2) I know this teacher. She speaks Spanish very well. —
3) This is a bag. I keep money in it. —
4) They are good friends. We go to the cinema together. —
5) This is Fluent English School. I study here. —
6) This is the underground. I use it to get to my office. —
7) He is a famous presenter. I see him on TV every night. —
8) I cannot find these shoes. I need them very much. —

B) Imagine that someone is asking you questions. You need to give short answers.

Example: Are your brothers working today? – Yes, they are.

1) Do you speak Italian?                                No,
2) Do you like this school?                             Yes,
3) Is his mother watching television?            Yes,
4) Are your parents staying here?                  No,
5) Does the dog sleep in your bedroom?       Yes,
6) Do you get up at 6 o'clock?                        No,
7) Is Mary listening to the radio?                    No,
8) Are the children playing football?              Yes,
9) Does the film start at 8 o'clock?                 Yes,
10) Are they studying Italian at the moment? No,

Listening and Speaking.

A) Complete these sentences about the people in your life. Tell a partner.

      • My mother/father drives me mad when she/he …
      • I hate it when my boyfriend/girlfriend …
      • I don't like people who …
      • It really annoys me when friends …

B) Choose one person in your life. What annoying habits does he/she have?

Does he/she …?

— always arrive late
— talk too loudly
— leave things on the floor

Is he/she …?

 — untidy
 — always on the phone
 — never on time

Do you have any annoying habits?

C) You'll listen to the radio program 'Home Truths'.

Two couples, Carol & Mike and Dave & Alison, talk about their partner's annoying habits. Before listening, look at the pictures below. What are their annoying habits?

Now listen to the show. What other problems do you hear there?

D) Check if the sentences are correct.

1) Carol and Mike never watch television.
2) Mike doesn't listen when his wife speaks to him.
3) Carol makes the decisions in their house.
4) Mike shouts at his wife when she's driving.
5) Dave never does any housework.
6) Dave is bad at his job.
7) Alison is very organized.
8) Alison tides up Dave's mess.

What do you think?

A) Do men or women typically complain about their partners doing these things?

  • watching TV
  • driving badly
  • taking a long time to get ready
  • not tiding things away

B) What do you think men are generally better at? What are women better at?


Is It Ok for a Person Who Had a Seizure in Thier Sleep to Go Back to Sleep?


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